Friday, April 22

See below activities from invited speakers scheduled for Friday, April 22 during Translational Science 2022 in Chicago. All activities take place in the Central Daylight Time Zone (CDT) unless otherwise specified.

Select scientific sessions to be live streamed each day for those registered as a virtual attendee. These select sessions will only be available to watch live virtually during the scheduled session day/time. No sessions will be offered on-demand for any registration type at this time. Live stream sessions to be announced soon. Visit the Registration page for more details about the Translational Science 2022 virtual component.

Scientific Session Track Legend

Community Engagement     Core Activities     CR Forum     DEI     Translational Workforce Development + Education     Valued Approaches

Sessions noted as (Virtual + In Person) will be presented in person and available to watch in the meeting app for virtual only attendees.


7:15 - 7:45 AM
  • ACTS Business Meeting (Virtual + In Person)

    Join ACTS President, Karen Martinez-Gonzalez, MD, MSc, for the ACTS Business Meeting as we reflect on the past year's accomplishments and what new opportunities are on the horizon for 2022 and beyond.

7:45 - 8:00 AM Break
8:00 - 9:15 AM
  • Plenary Presentation, CR Forum Top 10, and Awards Presentations (Virtual + In Person)

    Translating to Health Justice

    Presenter: Philip Alberti, PhD

    Philip Alberti, PhD is the Founding Director of the AAMC Center for Health Justice at Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). More details to be announced soon.

9:15 - 9:30 AM Break
9:30 - 10:30 AM
  • Storytelling through Data: Intersecting CTSA Evaluation & Communication (Virtual + In Person)

    Presenter: Michelle A. Maclay; Ben Miller; Luke Morales

    Valued Approaches | Do you find your audience consistently lacking awareness of both the amazing resources and successes coming out of your CTSA hub? Energize your evaluation findings with communications techniques tailored to inspire action-oriented responses. From award-winning annual reports to innovative infographics, learn about best practices & collaboration strategies for successful storytelling as three CTSA Communicators share their team’s recent impactful evaluation-inspired projects.

  • Co-Mentoring Circles Across- Hub Collaborative DEI Pilot

    Presenters: Tiffany Danielle Pineda B.S.

    DEI | Given the challenges in being a Clinical Research Professional (CRP), for ethnically, culturally, and linguistically diverse staff there are also significant opportunity gaps for professional growth. These may be addressed by creating opportunities to develop relational, co-mentoring communities via sustainable Diversity and Cultural Competence Co-Mentoring Circles to address these issues. Mentoring is a mechanism that facilitates professional development. Co-mentoring brings an opportunity to support and develop one another in a safe space, across specified topics. Our co-mentoring circle is designed to raise awareness of the distinct needs for diversity and inclusion in the CRP workforce. Developing a discerning cadre of peer mentors to seed cultural change requires leadership in the developmental and relational nature of mentorship. To explore these alternatives, it is our intention to create opportunities to develop relational, co-mentoring communities for CRPs across our two institutions. Data from pre and post evaluation of DC3 Co-Mentoring Circle Experience sessions and open-text survey materials focusing on academic medical center clinical research professional diversity analyzed to inform content and recommendations for addressing diversity needs. Ensuring cultural competency in the workforce requires cultivating work place practices encouraging CRPs to become competent communicators and actors in the intersectional areas of diversity and culture. Pathways to cultivating cultural competence includes the well understood mechanism for facilitating professional development of mentoring.

  • Community-engaged Research Should Not Be Lost in Translation: Culturally and Linguistically Adapting Materials (Virtual + In Person)

    Presenters: Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola, MD, PhD; Gustavo Loera, EdD

    Community Engagement | In this session,  presenters will discuss the need of translating and culturally adapting research materials to diverse communities. This discussion will include how translation-related biases can affect research quality and impede the ability to promote health in culturally and linguistically diverse communities. The processes of translation and cultural adaption from the World Health Organization will be described. The issue of decentering or moving away from the idiosyncrasies of the source language by subjecting both the source and target language versions to modification through a process of several iterations will be also addressed. Examples of high-quality translation and cultural adaptation of research material for use within Spanish-speaking communities will be highlighted. 

  • Stakeholders - A Not-So-Secret Weapon in a QI Clinical Education Focused Dissemination and Implementation Project

    Presenters: E. Juliana ParaBlagoev, EdD; Clifton Thornton, CPNP; Kathy Ruble, PhD; Lisa A. Jacobson, PhD

    Translational Workforce Development + Education | In this session, you will explore common patient/provider communication concerns in  institutions using the presenter’s  experience as a case study to anticipate ways to engage with and leverage the knowledge of patient/parent stakeholders to address relevant translation, dissemination and/or implementation challenges. Our experiences reflect that translation, dissemination, and implementation activities overlap and benefit from holding stakeholders at the center. Treatment for pediatric cancer has become increasingly successful; average five-year survival rates are 84.1%2. However, 50% of survivors face significant risk of disease- or treatment-related neurocognitive changes that can impact academic achievement. An interdisciplinary team, in collaboration with stakeholders, sought to understand and address family experiences with schooling after survivorship. A multi-phase research and translation effort was carried out. Findings included parent reports of being under-prepared to support their children’s schooling. Additionally, while parents identified pediatric oncologists as most frequently providing relevant information, 54% of physicians representing 64% of Children’s Oncology Group institutions indicated receiving no specific relevant training. Further, a dearth of available or actionable intervention tools was found regarding patient-provider communication in this area. Findings were translated by the team into action oriented Return to School Roadmaps. A two-pronged dissemination plan addressed provider gaps in knowledge through an interactive continuing medical education (CME) activity and parent gaps through receipt of the Roadmaps during clinic visits. The initial, site-based face-to-face version of the CME informed the design of a MOOC for wider dissemination. Parent stakeholders provided input on the CME activities themselves and their experiences became anchoring elements at key points to help bring the findings to life. During the site-based QI dissemination and implementation project the interdisciplinary research team met bi-weekly to identify challenges and barriers to overcoming them. Parent stakeholders were consulted often and engaged to enhance provider training opportunities during townhalls. 

10:30 - 10:45 AM Break
10:45 AM - 12:30 PM
  • CTSA TL1/T32 Training Programs Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going (Virtual + In Person)

    Presenters: Wayne T. McCormack, PhD; Kathryn Sandberg, PhD; Kathryn Sandberg, PhD; Michael Holinstat, PhD; Christine Sorkness, PharmD

    Translational Workforce Development + Education | Clinical & Translational Science (CTS) training in the Clinical & Translational Science Award (CTSA) program has evolved considerably since its inception in 2006, driven by a series of NIH Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOA) with varying options for CTS training supported by T32 components or TL1 training grant awards linked to the overall CTSA awards. In this session, presenters will review the history of CTSA T32/TL1 programs and discuss future directions for CTS training. Historical perspective will be provided by summarizing findings from a national survey of TL1 programs conducted by the CTSA Workforce Development Enterprise Committee. This survey provided rich information about the breadth of TL1 programs, training goals, trainee selection and characteristics, curriculum content, mentoring practices, and evaluation methods. TL1 programs support predoctoral trainees pursuing research doctoral degrees, postdoctoral fellows, and health professional students in short-term (e.g., summer research) or year-out training programs that may lead to a certificate or master’s degree. CTSA TL1 programs are distinct from NIH-funded T32 training programs in their focus on clinical and translational research. TL1 training crosses all health-related disciplinary boundaries, emphasizing cross-disciplinary research approaches and team science. Many TL1 programs incorporate near peer mentoring through their mixed predoc-postdoc cohorts. Nearly all TL1 trainees are engaged in clinical and translational science, including preclinical, clinical, implementation, and public health research, indicating that TL1 programs meet the mandate of the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences to provide training to develop the clinical and translational research workforce. These programs will undergo their next phase of evolution with the 2021 release of new FOAs that change the funding mechanisms to separate T32 and R25 awards for different trainee types. After briefly reviewing program changes outlined in the new FOAs, session attendees will review and refine recommendations for future directions of CTS training.

  • Building Industry Research Portfolios through Business Development Services

    Presenters: Michael Ranella MPH, MBA; Emilija Mitrikeska

    Valued Approaches | Are you properly leveraging potential academic-industry partnerships to support your research? Building and maintaining relationships between research teams, services, and external partners is key. Join the University of Michigan’s Fast Forward Medical Innovation Business Development team for a high-level overview of the business development process. Learn about research contracting, budgeting, and negotiating to strengthen your relationships and ensure successful project execution.

  • Plain Language Summaries: Translating Technical Clinical Trial Results for a Wider Audience (Virtual + In Person)

    Presenters: Christian Reyes, BS, MS; Phuong Pham; Annie Ly, BS, MS

    Community Engagement | As professionals in clinical research, we are accustomed to talking to each other at a level that reflects our scientific experience and educational attainment. We casually use technical words or phrases like “open-label” and “serious adverse event”, automatically assuming that the other person understands their meaning. As a result, this habit of talking and being in an environment of like-minded colleagues can influence how we communicate our research and results to a wider audience. This can then translate into disseminating clinical trial results at a level that only fellow researchers can understand“think of an article in a scientific journal” while leaving out equally important audiences: the participants of the trial and public. One solution towards including these laypersons in the conversation of clinical research is the plain language summary. Like a clinical study report, it contains all the information necessary to understand what a clinical trial sought to accomplish, what actually happened, and what that research means for the future. However, the key differences lie in how these are conveyed. By eliminating jargon and complex language, using an aesthetically simple, easy to read layout, and speaking in a question-and-answer format, more like a conversation, we expose more people to important clinical research information. In turn, we improve other aspects of clinical research like patient engagement, perceptions of clinical trials, and educating those unfamiliar with the clinical trial process. This session will provide an overview of plain language summaries and their current usage, the motivations and barriers to developing and disseminating them, and an outlook on how we can better equip researchers to write plain language summaries.

  • Replacing Race-Ethnicity: New Measures of Structural Racism and Experience of Discrimination

    Presenters: Felicity T. Enders, PhD, MPH; Geoff B. Dougherty, PhD; Susan M. Perkins, Ph.D.

    DEI | As we all know, race is not a biological variable, and race-ethnicity should no longer be reported in clinical and translational science. However, the concept of ethnoracial data remains, perhaps because these categorizations roughly distinguish personal experiences individuals have had in the context of social determinants of health. Capturing underlying variables, such as structural racism aligned with home and neighborhood or lifetime experience of discrimination, may be more pertinent and point to ways to address issues faced by research participants. In this session, we describe new approaches to replace ethnoracial categories in biomedical research.


Tuesday, April 19

View the schedule of pre-meeting activities for Tuesday.

Wednesday, April 20

View the schedule of activities for Wednesday.

Thursday, April 21

View the schedule of activities for Thursday.

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