
Supporting those who are committed to applying scientific methodologies to accelerate advances in human health.

ACTS Strategic Plan

The Future of the Clinical and Translational Enterprise

The Association for Clinical and Translational Science (ACTS) Strategic Plan, which was developed by the Board of Directors, provides a roadmap through 2025 that creates focus in order to align ACTS’ resources for maximum effect. Four strategic goals were developed to address areas that will have a significant impact on the future of the clinical and translational science enterprise.

Working Vision

Bringing together discovery and implementation research to improve patient outcomes, particularly in the growing field of precision medicine.

Goals and Objectives

Click on each strategic goal to see its corresponding objectives.

Strengthen the ACTS as an Association

  1. Strengthen and transform committees and SIGs to provide greater year-round value to members and community.
    1. Launch the Tradewing platform for all committees and SIGs.
    2. For committees, review and/or provide annual objectives to create meaningful work that ties back to the strategic plan.
    3. For SIGs:
      1. Explore new branding through focus group input to continue fostering the highest level of engagement of our members.
      2. Connect external agencies with SIGs to share expertise (focus groups, listening sessions, etc.).
  2. Share professional development opportunities from our members.
    1. Work with SIGs to identify unmet professional needs for new career pathways supporting translational science – team science facilitators, workforce educators, evaluators, data managers, etc.
    2. Enumerate current professional development resources available for these groups.
    3. Create a repository of resources with links to make them available to intended audiences.


Promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within ACTS

  1. Establish and enhance collaborations with minority-serving institutions and minoritized investigators of all levels at all institutions.
    1. Solicit input from minority-serving institutions and minoritized investigators from all institutions.
    2. Identify desired outcomes and develop additional relevant action items.
  2. Offer travel awards for underrepresented trainees to attend TS.
    1. Manage ongoing review of the Burroughs Wellcome Fund (BWF) requests including increased support amount.Develop other donor opportunities.
  3. Prepare and apply for an R13 to promote diversity, equity and inclusion.
  4. Expand/enhance Committees and SIGs with a focus on DEI for all activities of our association (conference program, webinars, journal, etc.).
    1. Develop processes that incorporate the DEI Committee/JEDI SIG to consistently be a presence across all Committees and SIGS.
    2. Work with each Committee and SIG to create their annual objectives and identify how they fit into current DEI efforts.


Expand the external reach of ACTS

  1. Build operational/collaborative bridges across NIH institutes (notably NCATS/NIGMS) and HHS and other agencies (E.g., ARPA-H, FDA, PCORI, DoD, VA).
    1. Conduct quarterly calls with NCATS to foster relationships that pertain to ACTS and CCTS.
    2. Identify additional agencies and partnerships for outreach.
    3. Identify common, achievable goals with these agencies, foundations, companies and institutes.
  2. Explore interest in international involvement with ACTS.
    1. Explore:
      1. international membership.
      2. The feasibility of holding an International Meeting (every 3rd or 4th year or whatever cadence we can support).
      3. Meetings with international societies interested in translational science.
      4. Translational science presence abroad.
    2. Survey ACTS membership on international conference interest/participation.
    3. Model out international conference logistics and determine feasibility of offering an international event.

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